Sunday, 18 May 2008

Okay, I have a whole lotta cool stuff to post over the coming week; so I'm going to post this sucky stuff now.

I am starting radiation therapy in about three weeks. Basically, because I have a history of the cancer coming back after surgery the oncologists are going to try radiation as a form of killing off any cells in the region that they didn't get. I am praying this works, and really focusing hard on giving this worry to God, because it's really too big for me to deal with alone, and quite frankly I have never seen the point in worrying myself literally ill over something I can not change.
Post surgically I got a really nasty infection that saw me in and out of Peter Mac more times than I chose to count. I was still losing over 100mls of blood every day 3 weeks after surgery! I was tired and shaky and generally felt pretty crappy. My darling husband was awesomely supportive, and I really couldn't have managed without him; but I have to say, sitting around doing nothing for three weeks is not a good thing for me. I am SOOO appreciative of my renewed health right now; let me tell you.

I finally returned to Uni this week; and heavens have I got some catching up to do!!!! I started my first placement days at Red Hill Consolidated School; I still have a couple to go, but I AM LOVING IT!!! I really wish I could just get straight into the classroom, becuase as much as I enjoy Uni; I really feel like it's a big ol' waste of time. I have learned more this week working with the grade two's than I have since I started at Uni! And I am confident that I will learn more in my first week as a teacher than the rest of my education combined... oh well; I guess I'd do better to learn some stuff before they unleashed me on the poor unsuspecting children :)
Only twomore weeks until this semster is over - where did that go?

This week - starting tomorrow - is Education week. I have been totally inspired by this creative woman and have decided to make gifts for each of the 25 teachers at Dane's school. Stay tuned and I'll start posting pics tomorrow. Make sure you check out that blog link, and scroll on down, she has some AMAZING ideas.

Thanks everyone for you well wishes; I'm sorry I'm not updating more regularly, but I really have been feeling crappy. Love n hugs