Ever had one of those mornings where you just wish you could climb back into bed and start all over again? I gotta say - this morning was one of them. To start with, my bed was toasty and warm and soft and all things wonderful. Out of bed it was blasted freezing - not at all tempting. But when you're lying in bed hearing the kids screaming at each other, you gotta get up and intervene before someone gets killed! Out of bed and into the kids room, where Dane is hanging off his top bunk into Lydia's cot, wacking her with his stuffed Spiderman. My what a great start to the morning! Then into the kitchen to make the kids breakfast and lunch - no milk, no fresh bread... hmm that bed is seeming mighty inviting right about now. Drop a screaming Lydia off to creche and Dane off to school with a promise that his lunch will be there by the time he gets back from the farm visit. Run into Hastings to argue with a shop attendant, back home with fresh bread for a sandwich, back to the school to drop it off and pick up some very muddy gumboots, then racing into Uni to get some study done, only to realise I'm missing a book. Then I log onto CIS between classes to catch up with the girls, where I find that I can't get on!
So I'm starting today again. Right this minute. The rest of today is going to run smoothly and efficiently. I'll keep you posted...