Tuesday, 4 December 2007

My baby is sick.

I know she doesn't look at all ill, but today I took my baby girl to the paediatrician. She's been presenting with a whole lot of issues that were just accumulating to too many things to ignore. Getting the appointment was tough going, but my wonderful friend Marion was able to secure me an appointment when she had to postpone hers. Thank you once again to Maz; cos we certainly couldn't continue without answers. And it seems we are going to get some now. They may not be the answers we'd like, but this paed is being really thorough.
Lydia's having trouble with her speech, in fact she's actually almost 10 months behind where she should be, she has a poor attention span and short fuse, she's had some pretty persistent bowel troubles and her head circumfrence is pretty small. The doctor is testing for so many things; poor baby is going to have as much blood taken tomorrow as it is possible to take from a 2 year old, and I am not looking forward to that at all ; is there anything worse than seeing your child suffer, expecially when they don't understand why you're allowing it to happen? The most frightening of the tests is a chromosome test. I know it's only a test, but even the idea of something being wrong that we can't fix scares me. I pray so fervently that nothing will stop our baby girl from reaching her full potential. That anything we find we can fix, and that anything we can do for her is done. She's so bright and happy and full of life; I can't imagine her life being anything but completely fullfilling and enriching.

The results for this one don't come back for 6 - 8 weeks; chuck Christmas in there and you have to add an extra 2 - 3 weeks for holidays, so we wont know what's going on until late Feb. Please pray that whatever is wrong with Lydia is found and healed.


Kate said...

hey dee
thanks for sharing all this with us, it must be a very heavy load for you to carry on your own. lydia is such a beautiful little girl i am sure that whatever they find in her tests that they will put you and her on the right track for treatment and management techniques. at the moment you are playing the waiting game which i can sympathise with. dont let the joy of christmas be pushed to the side for this as you know pickle doesnt understand. just enjoy it. make sure you let us know how it all goes xox

Amie said...

so scary...good luck...they'll probably just set her up with a developmental specialist (my two younger sons had them) and they are actually quite helpful.

fleurie said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you babe...Stay strong..and know im here for you anytime.
everything will be ok
love and hugs

Wendy said...

Dee i just wanted to let you know that i think about you and Lydia everyday! And i have my fingers crossed for you.