Oh my! I have been so darned busy preparing for Christmas; but we are totally loving it. Okay, things to share; firstly - Dane got his school books for Grade 1 last week; a huge event that required Lydia assisting. He was so excited to look through a bunch of boring notebooks lol. I can not belive that he's almost done with Prep. My baby is getting big so darned fast, and I am not thrilled with it.
Secondly, Dane and Andrew went fishing on the weekend - staying out until 2 am I might add - and Dane caught this awsome gummy shark. hahaha - kinda cute actually, Dane fell asleep on Andrew's chair sometime around 11 p.m. and when he woke up was told by his daddy that he'd caught this shark. (It was caught using Dane's rod, so by his standards, that means he caught it.) Yep, poor Daddy caught NO FISH; but Dane landed this baby in his sleep. :D
Our Christmas tree is laden with cute red presents now; and miraculously Lydia hasn't touched any of them. I guess she doesn't yet realise that cool stuff is wrapped up in those brightly coloured boxes. This time next week that will all change I have no doubt. We've even put our gifts for Lydia and Dane under there, so all it's waiting for is Santa to arrive and drop off his goodies. Dane is SUPER excited; this week is just dragging by for him.
Meanwhile I have been busy making cards - I packed up all the Christmas cards and posted them before I took a pic (yep; I'm an idiot) but I have also been making statioary sets as gifts; so I have a bunch of cards to share. I've even made matching envelopes for each card. These are just a few of the fifty or so cards I've made in the last week... Nothing elaborate; just simple, but I think they're cute. I've been trying to use a lot of my scraps too, so they've been super economical.
Dane's class Christmas party is tomorrow and today they've been to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium at the cinemas. It sounds like such a lovely movie; I hope he's enjoying it.
Oh and one more thing before I go. Lydia has just discovered the joys of peek-a-boo. lol - insane, right? I mean, she's nearly 2! But it's still totally cute! Love those chubby little fingers and the cute-as giggle that goes with this game. 
Well that'll do from me for today - am aiming to get some just for me scrapping done tonight, so i might even share some layouts before Christmas.
1 comment:
omg i love reading your blog dee :)
firstly I remember when Heidi discovered peekaboo. god they come out with some funny things our girls! congrats to dane on the shark! wow he must be a pro-fisherman to catch it in his SLEEP!! it sounds like the kids are enjoying the end of the year and the approach to xmas. love the cards you made. very beautiful. once again, where do you get the time?!! lol
ive had to leave all the presents in the spare room in plastic bags because it has just been moo's birthday she will think theyre additional presents for her birthday if i put them under the tree :P cant wait to see photos of your christmas day with the kids. xox
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