Hi All,
It's Dees Dad-Mark again. Dee has asked me to bring you all up-to-date with where she is at right now.
As was indicated by her last entry, Dee lost her hair.
Mum did the deed, and Dad went out in sympathy.
It's Dees Dad-Mark again. Dee has asked me to bring you all up-to-date with where she is at right now.
As was indicated by her last entry, Dee lost her hair.
Mum did the deed, and Dad went out in sympathy.
After coming home again from Peter Mac on Wednesday, breaking a couple of ribs [simply by standing up - Go Figure] on Thursday, and spending Thursday night on oxygen in Frankston Hospital, we managed to get an outing in to the Circus on Friday evening.
We went straight to Olinda from the circus as this is where Dee, Dane and Lydia would spend the weekend with Mum/Grandma, while the house was being transformed.........
I would now like to share with you a very special weekend.
A large group of people from Lysarts in Hastings, as well as some friends and family members turned up to the house from Friday night [about 6pm] to Sunday afternoon [about 5.30pm].
Each of those that attended were so obviously there for one reason....to contribute selflessly and unconditionally, their time and skills to help Dee, Andrew and Family in some tangible way.
Well that they did!
Starting completely from scratch, they recarpeted the entire house, totally replaced the kitchen with brand new everything and spring-cleaned and tidied the entire house.
The result was simply amazing. I hope the photos do it some justice.
I would now like to share with you a very special weekend.
A large group of people from Lysarts in Hastings, as well as some friends and family members turned up to the house from Friday night [about 6pm] to Sunday afternoon [about 5.30pm].
Each of those that attended were so obviously there for one reason....to contribute selflessly and unconditionally, their time and skills to help Dee, Andrew and Family in some tangible way.
Well that they did!
Starting completely from scratch, they recarpeted the entire house, totally replaced the kitchen with brand new everything and spring-cleaned and tidied the entire house.
The result was simply amazing. I hope the photos do it some justice.
We will be thanking everyone individually and publically in the immediate future, but cannot pass up the opportunity to once again thank Steve [Team Leader] and Lysarts crew, Troy [All Things Kitchen], Ross and crew [All Things Carpet], Kelly [Community Contributions
After a challenging weekend with a fading pain-management regime, Dee was to be re-admitted into Peter Mac on Sunday.
Nothing, however was going to prevent her from stopping by Home on the way to inspect and acknowledge the amazing stuff that went on there in her absence.
Dee, Dane and Lydia even layed their own tiles in the kitchen to mark the completion of the work - very emotional!!
As hard as it is to follow up such a wonderful story with such shitty news...Dee has made it my duty to do so, as she is conscious of sharing everything with those who care about and support her so unconditionally.
Today Dee had another CT scan to monitor the growth of the Cancers.
Based on these results, a new plan has been formulated. From here on the efforts shift from fighting the Disease to controlling the Pain, and Dees comfort, for anywhere up to 3 months becomes Paramount.
This is a very difficult thing to accept and to realise as Family and I am sure it will sadden many,
but the important thing now, is to surround Dee with the Love and support that we all feel for her and to just be here for her for those times she might need us over the coming weeks.
I really hope that she will be home soon and be able to write the next installment herself.
hey dee and dees dad :)
thanks so much for taking the time to update those of us who cant be there for dee. after reading the last post i just wanted to jump a plane and be there for her, and hug her and spend time with her. everything is moving so quickly i cant get my head around it just please let dee know that i love her and i think her home is beautiful! they did a great job :) (just as long as theres room to scrap hehe).
thinking of her andrew and the kids and dees family :) xoxo
I don't know Dee, but I know how much the girls at CIS think of her. Dee, you are one courageous woman and I am constantly amazed to see your strength shine through. How amazing that all those wonderful people took the time to do something special for you and your family. I wish you and your family all the best during this very difficult time for you all.
sending lots of love to you all and I pray you all can spend some wonderful family fun together over Christmas
Thank you for the update
fantasic to see you have such wonderful friends
karen haywood
Hi Darling Dee and Mark,
What wonderful people you have by your side.
As always thinking of you.
Hi Dee,
We are all keeping up to date with your news via this blog, and keeping you in our thoughts. Glad to hear that you have so much loving support around you.
Thanks, Mark, for updating on Dee's behalf.
With Much Love on behalf of the NSC Cyber Friends,
Kimberley xxx
Love, hugs and prayers to Dee and family. Thanks to Dee's dad for keeping us up to date.
Much love,
Rach Edwards
(and the rest of the NSC)
I haven't met Dee but as a sister in the Lord I am looking forward to meeting her in heaven one day.
You inspire me, Dee, with your strength and determination!
Sending lots of love to you, you are so strong and such an inspiration, sweetie.
XXX Jane (NSC)
G'day Dee and Mark. It's Steve. I found it again. What an awesome sight. I have passed on the site to my Aunt who is on this sight anyway and she is going to pass it on. Come Sunday the 14th if thats when we go for the twilight vigil, there will be prayers coming from all over the state, Country and world. And quite rightly too. If you read this Dee, you have been an inspiration to me. Your work with Maz opened my eyes to a whole new way of seeing. You have touched so many people in such a positive way, it's beyond comprehension. It was our pleasure to help anyway we could and until you ask me to stop (and mean it not just ask me to stop to be nice), I will continue to fight and never give. Even if it means you and Andrew have to hear me from the other end of a retirement village. See you soon champ.
dee..i must say bald heads don't suit everyone...but you still look beautiful :0)
Hi Dee and your wonderful family,
Late night here and thinking of you today. :)
A mutual lady that we know on NSC is kindly sending me a copy of the paper that had your story on the lovely people that did your house so that I can read it.
Lots of thoughts sent your way.
Love Figgy.
Hi Dee,
It's Sharon here from SS.It was good to have a brief (online) chat to you last night, I must have got lucky! You have been in my thoughts a lot, but I guess I have been hanging back a bit not wanting to intrude.You asked for our prayers..but I wish I could do more.I lit my own candle for you last night.....
Love from Sharon xo
Dee and family, as always my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Just wanted to let you know I have been and am thinking of you during your courageous fight Dee.
Thanks so much to your Dad for posting this so we know what is happening. Thanks Mark!
I would love for you to pop through an email to me Mark, at deirdre_heath@hotmail.com as I would love to pop in to Peter Mac and see Dee....one Dee to another!~ LOL
XX Dee Heath XX
Dear Dee and her family
I'm also from CIS and dear Dee we miss you. Am praying and thinking of you each day. You are very special, keep fighting
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